Νumber of farms and machines by size of farm

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(i) The structure of agricultural holdings (collected through farm structure surveys - FSS) is presented at different geographical levels and over periods. The information follows up the changes in the agricultural sector and provides a basis for decision-making in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and other European Union policies. (ii) The survey unit is the agricultural holding (farm). (iii) The 2013 data covered the European Union, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and North Macedonia. (iv) Farm structure surveys

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Field Value
Source https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/ef_mpmachine/default/table?lang=en
Last Updated February 1, 2022, 07:56 (UTC)
Created January 28, 2022, 07:24 (UTC)
Access level Public
Data timespan 2013
Data update frequency Static
Geographical area EU, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, North Macedonia
Language English, German, French
Organization Eurostat
Time interval N/A