Imports of biofuels by country

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(i) Annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers, such as crude oil and petroleum products, natural gas, electricity, solid fossil fuels and combustible renewables by country of origin and destination (iii) all Member States of the European Union, EFTA-countries (Iceland and Norway), EU candidate countries (Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, Serbia and Turkey) and potential candidate countries (Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99)).

Data for Energy Community Contracting Parties are also available (in addition to countries listed before this covers Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia).

The EU and Eurozone aggregates are also shown.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source Eurostat - Data Explorer (
Last Updated February 1, 2022, 07:56 (UTC)
Created January 26, 2022, 10:53 (UTC)
Access level Public
Data timespan 1990-2019
Data update frequency annually
Geographical area Europe Data for Energy Community Contracting Parties are also available (in addition to countries listed before this covers Moldova, United Kingdomraine and Georgia). The EU and Eurozone aggregates are also shown.
Language English
Organization Eurostat
Time interval yearly