Hydrogen development projects in Europe

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Currently, on a world scale, hydrogen is mainly used in the production of fertilisers or in petrochemical/refining processes (87% of uses). Nevertheless, it is also an energy vector that can promote environmental transition by intervening, for example, in energy storage, mobility, chemistry or the production of synthetic methane. If Germany is the historic country of hydrogen in Europe with the presence of industrialists committed to the subject (Daimler, Shell, Linde), France announced in June 2018 an ambitious deployment plan aiming, among other things, to strengthen its industrial sector already supported by international leaders.

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Source https://opendata.reseaux-energies.fr/explore/dataset/projets-de-developpement-de-lhydrogene-en-europe-vision-a-2019
Last Updated February 24, 2021, 14:21 (UTC)
Created January 21, 2021, 12:32 (UTC)
Access level Public
Data timespan Created in 2019
Geographical area France
Language French
Organization Réseaux Energies
Sector Energy