Forecasting Europe's gas supply capacity to 2030

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The JDD presents the natural gas supply capacities of the European Union's main suppliers up to 2030. LNG supplies do not take into account countries of origin. Gas from Algeria is mixed (LNG and pipeline).
European production of natural gas is expected to fall by around 30% by 2030. This drop in intra-European supply should be compensated by the increase in the capacities of land imports from other countries but also by LNG.
Expectations with regard to this technology are very important in the European energy strategy and are reflected in new LNG terminal projects in Europe.
New infrastructures also make it possible to develop onshore supply routes by pipeline, as is the case with Azerbaijan or the new pipeline from Russia, Nord Stream II.

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Last Updated February 24, 2021, 14:21 (UTC)
Created January 21, 2021, 12:26 (UTC)
Access level Public
Geographical area France
Language French
Organization Réseaux Energies
Sector Energy