Circular material use rate by material type

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(i) The circular material use rate, also called 'Circularity rate', measures in percentage the share of material recycled and fed back into the economy - thus saving extraction of primary raw materials - in overall material use. The Circularity rate is thus defined as the ratio of the circular use of materials (U) to the overall material use (M). (ii) The components used to calculate circular material use rate are reported in tonnes. The Cicularity rate is presented as percentage: circular use of materials to the overall material use. (iii)All EU Member States, plus United Kingdom and the aggregated European Union.

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Field Value
Source Circular material use rate by material type - Products Datasets - Eurostat (
Last Updated February 1, 2022, 07:56 (UTC)
Created January 26, 2022, 10:57 (UTC)
Access level Public
Data timespan 2004-2019, Data for Member States and break down by materials start in year 2010.
Data update frequency annually
Geographical area EU, United Kingdom
Language English
Organization Eurostat
Time interval yearly