Breakdown of anaerobic digestion potentials by 2050 by canton - Decree No. 2019-665

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This dataset presents the distribution by canton of the methanization potentials envisaged by 2050 in metropolitan France.
For greater clarity, the cantons are understood to be those prevailing before Law No. 2013-403 of May 17, 2013, which halved the number of cantons in France, for a total of 3,689 cantons.
These data were produced in 2017 by the Solagro association during the performance of the study “ A 100% renewable gas mix in 2050? ” Published in February 2018 by ADEME, GRDF and GRTgaz.
They group together, by canton, the potentials accessible by the following primary resources: crop residues, livestock droppings, grasses, Intermediate multi-service environmental crops or CIMSE, residues from agro-food industries (IAA), bio-waste in GWh PCS.
These data are intended to be used for the implementation of Decree No. 2019-665 of June 28, 2019 relating to " the strengthening of the natural gas transport and distribution networks necessary to allow the injection of the biogas produced ", and the Decree of June 28, 2019 " defining the terms of application of section 6 of chapter III of title V of book IV of the energy code ".
They are given in GWh PCS and are understood before conversion efficiency into injectable gas (see study " A 100% renewable gas mix in 2050? ", Page 92).

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Field Value
Last Updated February 24, 2021, 14:21 (UTC)
Created January 21, 2021, 15:53 (UTC)
Access level Public
Geographical area France
Language French
Organization GRTgaz, GRDF, ADEME
Sector Energy