Breakdown of green gas potential by 2050 by department

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This data set presents the breakdown by department of the green gas potential by type of resource and by sector in France by 2050.

The hypotheses and the context of the study are presented in the study " A 100% renewable gas mix in 2050? " Published in February 2018 by ADEME, GRDF and GRTgaz.

The following primary resources are considered:

the potential for methane production with CIMSEs (Intermediate multi-service environmental crops), crop residues, livestock droppings, grasses, residues from agro-food industries (IAA), bio-waste and algae , in GWh PCS;
wood energy potential - in GWh PCI;
the recovery energy potential: Solid recovered fuels (SRF) and Fatal hydrogen (H2) - in GWh PCI;
the potential for electricity production by Power-to-Gas, in GWh elec.
In the study (see page 92), the injectable gas potential is obtained by applying the following conversion efficiencies to primary resources:
94% injected methane / produced methane,
70% for gasification (wood energy potential and CSR potential),
66% for power-to-gas.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated February 24, 2021, 14:21 (UTC)
Created January 21, 2021, 16:08 (UTC)
Access level Public
Geographical area France
Language French
Organization GRTgaz, GRDF, ADEME
Sector Energy