20 datasets found

Formats: XML Sectors: Aquaculture & Fisheries

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  • OECD - Marine Fish Landing

    The marine landings data collection is part of the more comprehensive data gathering carried out on an annual basis by the Fisheries Committee (COFI) of the Trade and...
  • OECD - International Trade of Fisheries

    This dataset presents official international trade statistics in fisheries products, directly sourced from the UN Comtrade Database.
  • OECD - Aquaculture production

    The aquaculture production data collection is part of the more comprehensive data gathering carried out on an annual basis by the Fisheries Committee (COFI) of the Trade and...

    MEDSEA_ANALYSISFORECAST_WAV_006_017 is the nominal wave product of the Mediterranean Sea Forecasting system, composed by hourly wave parameters at 1/24º horizontal resolution...

    The operational IBI (Iberian Biscay Irish) Ocean Analysis and Forecasting system (daily run by Nologin in coordination with Puertos del Estado and with the support, in terms of...

    GLOBAL_REANALYSIS_WAV_001_032 for the global wave reanalysis describing past sea states since years 1993. This product also bears the name of WAVERYS within the GLO-HR MFC. for...

    For the Global ocean, the ESA Ocean Colour CCI surface Chlorophyll (mg m-3, 4 km resolution) using the OC-CCI recommended chlorophyll algorithm is made available in CMEMS...
  • FAO Statistical Areas for Fishery Purposes

    FAO Major Fishing Areas for Statistical Purposes are arbitrary areas, the boundaries of which were determined in consultation with international fishery agencies on various...
  • Contaminants in water

    This data collection activity covers baseline, geographical and temporal trend monitoring of heavy metals and chlorinated hydrocarbons in water from the marine chemistry...
  • Contaminants in sediments

    Marine sediment is considered any deposit of insoluble material, primarily rock and soil particles, transported from land areas to the ocean by wind, ice, and rivers, as well as...
  • Sediments in seabed

    This map shows the textual distribution of the main surface sediment types and the consolidated continental fringe units. The texture classification includes three types of...
  • Vegetation in seabed

    The map identifies the main areas of marine phanerogams (Posidonia oceanica) and algae of ecological interest on our coastline.
  • Marine Basin (Ireland)

    Location of marine basin divisions in the North Atlantic around Ireland. A geological basin is a large low-lying area. It is often below sea level. There are five designated...
  • Eutrophication - Germany

    The data set comprises parameters influenced by eutrophication which are recorded at measuring stations of the Federal Maritime Office and Hydrography. Parameters: Chlorophyll...
  • Contaminants in water  (MSFD)

    This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) linked to descriptor 8, criterion 1. This dataset is part of the 2018...
  • Chlorophyll a (MSFD)

    This dataset is part of the 2018 Belgian submission for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) linked to descriptor 5, criterion 2. This dataset contains the average of...
  • Pelagic habitat condition (MSFD)

    This dataset is part of the Belgian submission for the 2018 Marine Strategic Framework Directive (MSFD) and reports on descriptor 1, criterion 6. This dataset describes the soft...
  • Predominant habitat confidence

    The MSFD commission staff working paper (CSWP) defines predominant habitat types required for use in MSFD habitats initial reporting article 8 - "Analysis of essential features...
  • OECD - Fisheries and Aquaculture indicators

    This dataset contains statistics on a series of indicators characterizing the fisheries and aquaculture sectors and the fisheries policies of individual countries and economies....
  • OECD - Fishing Fleet

    The fishing fleet data collection is part of the more comprehensive data gathering carried out on an annual basis by the Fisheries Committee (COFI) of the Trade and Agriculture...