Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Location text Location
Plot text Plot
Species mix text Species mix
Short text Short
year text year
Latitude text Latitude
Longitude text Longitude
Koppen climate text Koppen climate
Precipitation text Precipitation
LDP text LDP
FTC text FTC
T mean text T mean
WHL (mm) text WHL (mm)
Substr. d (mm) text Substr. d (mm)
WHL+Sub text WHL+Sub
Aspect text Aspect
Slope text Slope
Age (years) text Age (years)
Section area (m2) text Section area (m2)
Total species text Total species
Originally planted text Originally planted
Refound text Refound
Originally planted refound text Originally planted refound
Missing text Missing
Non-planted text Non-planted
% refound text % refound
Species richness text Species richness
Shannon div index H text Shannon div index H
Hmax text Hmax
Evenness text Evenness
Bare substr text Bare substr
TPC text TPC
VPC text VPC
Moss text Moss
Unintended cover text Unintended cover
Intended cover text Intended cover
Festuca ovina text Festuca ovina
acre text acre
album text album
anglicum text anglicum
cyaneum text cyaneum
fosterianum text fosterianum
hispanicum text hispanicum
lydium text lydium
oreganum text oreganum
reflexum text reflexum
sexangulare text sexangulare
pulchellum text pulchellum
spurium text spurium
telephium text telephium
ewersii text ewersii
Phedimus coll text Phedimus coll
prop refound text prop refound
prop bare text prop bare
prop Intended cover text prop Intended cover
prop vasc text prop vasc
prop moss text prop moss
prop TPC text prop TPC
Prop Number of originally planted text Prop Number of originally planted
prop unintended cover text prop unintended cover

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated January 25, 2022
Metadata last updated January 25, 2022
Created January 25, 2022
Format CSV
License CC0 1.0
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
On same domainTrue
Package idefb5c9c5-ae29-4922-9324-a544f76b774e
Size29.6 KiB
Url typeupload