Jobs and wealth in the EU bioeconomy

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The JRC - Bioeconomics dataset has been elaborated jointly by JRC and the nova-Institute (nova-Institut für politische und ökologische Innovation GmbH). This database quantifies employment, value added and turnover in the Bioeconomy and in bioeconomy sectors, namely agriculture, forestry, fishing, the manufacture of food, beverage and tobacco, the manufacture of bio-based textile, the manufacture of wood and wood products, the manufacture of paper, the manufacture of bio-based chemicals, the manufacture of bio-based pharmaceuticals, the manufacture of bioplastics, the manufacture of liquid biofuels and the production of bioelectricity. The geographical scope of this database is the EU, processeed as aggregate and at individual EU Member state level. Since the data refers to the period 2008 to 2017, two aggregates are considered: "EU-27 (2020)" (current EU Members as from 1st February 2020) and "EU-28" (referring to the EU Members between 1st July 2013 and 31st January 2020). Please note that EU-28 includes Croatia also for data before 2013

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated February 1, 2022, 07:55 (UTC)
Created January 25, 2022, 14:22 (UTC)
Access level Public
Data timespan Start year 2008. End year 2017.
Data update frequency Issue date: 02/06/2020 Last modified: 04/05/2021 Update frequency: annual
Geographical area EU
Language Several languages
Organization Joint Research Centre
Time interval N/A