### README file for Dryad data Geijzendorffer_et_al_2015_farm_species_richness.csv. Geijzendorffer, I.R., S. Targetti, M.K. Schneider, D.J. Brus, P. Jeanneret, R.H.G. Jongman, M. Knotters, D. Viaggi, S. Angelova, M. Arndorfer, D. Bailey, K. Balázs, A. Báldi, M.M.B. Bogers, R.G.H. Bunce, 10, J.-P. Choisis, P. Dennis, S. Eiter, W. Fjellstad, J.K. Friedel, T. Gomiero, A. Griffioen, M. Kainz, A. Kovács-Hostyánszki, G. Lüscher, G. Moreno, J. Nascimbene, M.G. Paoletti, P. Pointereau, J.-P. Sarthou, N. Siebrecht, I. Staritsky, S. Stoyanova, S. Wolfrum & F. Herzog Correspondence email: ilse.geijzendorffer@imbe.fr #--------------------------------- Data contains species richness of plants, earthworm, spiders and bees (wild bees and bumblebees) in 195 farms in 12 study regions in Europe. The observed species richness are complemented by a 5% lower and a 95% upper confidence level derived from species accumulation as well as the number of samples drawn in each farm. #--------------------------------- Number of rows = 195 Number of columns = 17 Column delimiter = , Missing data indicator = NA ### Variables Format Description Farm integer unique number for farm Country Categorical Number for study region (1 Austria; 2 Bulgaria; 3 France; 4 Germany; 5 Hungary; 6 Italy; 7 The Netherlands; 8 Norway; 9 Spain Dehesa; 10 Spain Olives; 11 Switzerland; 12 Wales) P.SR integer Observed plant species richness P.SR.LCL numeric 5% lower confidence level for plant species richness P.SR.UCL numeric 95% upper confidence level for plant species richness P.nSamp integer number of samples for plant species richness E.SR integer Observed earthworm species richness E.SR.LCL numeric 5% lower confidence level for earthworm species richness E.SR.UCL numeric 95% upper confidence level for earthworm species richness E.nSamp integer number of samples for earthworm species richness S.SR integer Observed spider species richness S.SR.LCL numeric 5% lower confidence level for spider species richness S.SR.UCL numeric 95% upper confidence level for spider species richness S.nSamp integer number of samples for spider species richness B.SR integer Observed bee species richness B.SR.LCL numeric 5% lower confidence level for bee species richness B.SR.UCL numeric 95% upper confidence level for bee species richness B.nSamp integer number of samples for bee species richness